Summary of CRCA Meeting of Board of Directors 

February 6, 2024


The late General Norman Schwarzkopf of the USA Army used to say, “logistics win the war”, that was certainly true for some directors getting to their February 6, 2024 meeting. From 25 hours of travel time to an unexpected overnight stay in Montreal, all directors eventually made it to Las Vegas, NV.

The meeting was held during the International Roofing Expo & Conference (IRE ’24). Directors turned their attention in the morning to a facilitated directors training session. The topics included directors’ responsibilities, fiduciary obligations, duty of obedience, and the representative governance model that included understating the difference between ‘representative of’ and ‘representative for’. CRCA directors fall in the latter – voice the interests and opinions of those they know best and vote on behalf of the best overall interests of the CRCA.

After lunch, the board began its formal meeting. They heard reports by Jim Facette, executive director, on recent activities, recent activities of the National Technical Committee, CRCA’s representative to the NRCA’s board of directors also updated directors on key initiatives of our sister organization. A special presentation was provided by the Canadian Director for Talent Beyond Borders. This non-governmental organization (NGO) is an authorized partner of the federal government’s Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP) project.

A strategic partnership is being contemplated that would provide CRCA members access to economic refugees as new labour. Using the federal government’s EMPP, the concept is this would be another tool in the toolbox to attract new labour. The executive director was directed to bring back more details for a final decision in May.

It is no secret every business has experienced rising operational costs, and so too has the CRCA. To move forward operationally in a manner that is sustainable, the board of directors is considering options on how we can better leverage ROOFTech and the Conference. As more details are needed, the board hopes to decide in the weeks ahead.

The board gave its final approval to the new strategic plan (2024-2027) emphasizing four key results areas with accompanying strategies. Like any plan, strategies can be adjusted to accommodate unanticipated circumstances.

The next meeting of the CRCA board of directors will be in Victoria, BC, on Thursday, May 9th just before the conference begins on May 10th.