CRCA Welcomes Minister of Public Services and Procurement Prompt Payment

December 2023

December 12, 2023 – Ottawa, Ontario – “It was a long time coming, after many years of work and the 2019 Royal Assent of the Federal Prompt Payment for Construction Act, we can finally say it has now come into force” said Jim Facette, Executive Director of the Canadian Roofing Contractors Association (CRCA).

Mr. Facette added, “many people, including Senator Don Plett and Minister Duclos, worked hard to get us where we are today, a place that assures roofing contractors will be paid on time for federal government construction programs”.

In the federal government’s own release, they cite that under the legislation, the federal government will have 28 days to pay after the contractor submits a proper invoice. The contractor will then have seven days to pay its subcontractors, subcontractors will have another seven days to pay their subcontractors.

The CRCA looks forward to the smooth implementation of the legislation going forward.