CRCA National Technical Committee Update 

June 2023


The CRCA National Technical Committee (NTC) provides a forum for presenting and discussing technical and safety issues on a national basis. The NTC is comprised of roofing contractors and technical representatives from each provincial affiliate association, associate members and technical staff from CRCA, NRCA and the National Research Council of Canada (NRCC).

The NTC holds meetings twice a year to discuss technical issues, risk management, safety, environmental issues, codes and standard. At the NTC meeting held on April 6 2023, there were several issues that were presented and discussed.

Building code harmonization
In November 2022, the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) assumed responsibility for development of Canada’s National Mode Codes. This new governance model integrates the provinces and territories into the national process to better respond to code priorities from jurisdictions and harmonize construction codes across Canada. It is the intent of harmonization that the 2030 National Model Building code will be harmonized with provinces and territories and each jurisdiction will have six (6) months to adopt the latest model building code.

CRCA, represented by Troy Ferreira, is a participating member of the Advisory Council for Harmonized Construction Codes, that will provide input to the CBHCC on policy issues related to the national model codes including Climate Change, Accessibility, Alterations to existing buildings, and Performance-based codes.

Revision to Canadian Electrical Code
Revisions to the 2021 Canadian Electrical Code include the addition of Rule 12-022 that pertains to the installation of cables or raceways in roofing deck systems. The rule states that cables or raceways are not to be concealed within a roof deck system where screws or metal fasteners are utilized. In addition, warning labels are required when wiring is concealed within the roof deck system. Rule 12-022 is a national code requirement and provincial jurisdictions will adopt or update their code requirements accordingly.

Advisory Bulletin
An Advisory Bulletin Radiofrequency Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields has been developed and issued. The bulletin outlines the potential hazard with the increased amount of rooftop telecommunications equipment that emit radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and is available on the CRCA website.

The NTC will continue to stay informed on advancements in the roofing industry and provide this information in a timely manner to members.

I encourage you reach out to CRCA staff, Wendy Fraser or Troy Ferreira if you have any questions or would like further information.


Stéphane Poissant
NTC Chair