Jacques Chevalier Scholarship Applications


CRCA is pleased to announce applications are now being accepted for the Jacques Chevalier Scholarship.
This scholarship aims to recognize and support students who demonstrate outstanding potential in their pursuit of higher education.

The Jacques Chevalier Scholarship awards one recipient with a $2,000 education bursary. The scholarship is open to any permanent employee of a CRCA Active member with two or more years of service. Spouses, partners, and children of a permanent employee of a CRCA Active member are also eligible to apply.

For more information about the Jacques Chevalier Scholarship and to access the application, please visit Jacques Chevalier Scholarship (roofingcanada.com).The deadline to apply is November 1, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact CRCA at (613) 232-6724 or send us an email at crca@roofingcanada.com.